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For every child, we believe that the key to lifelong learning is through finding and developing interests, following motivations and individual talents through a varied and rich curriculum which allows children to explore their future. They will persevere when things do not come easy; taking a pride in every part of their learning journey with aspirations which will take them through the next stage of education and beyond.
Passion Opportunity Wellbeing Expression Reflection

In our school, we believe that every child should have the equal opportunity to access a wide range of life experiences which will enhance their learning, such as outdoor experiences, visits, extra-curricular activities. We aim to provide these throughout every phase of our school as the foundation of our curriculum offer.
We will strive to ensure that every child knows their own self-worth and believes that they can achieve. We will deliver a curriculum which teaches children how to maintain healthy relationships with others through developing empathy and understanding. We will encourage children to talk about their emotional health and to learn ways of managing this, along with equipping children with the knowledge of how to maintain good physical health.
With a strong focus on oracy, our children will learn how to express their own views and opinions in a respectful manner and for different purposes, for example through debate or through presentation. They will be good listeners and will understand how to work as a team. Through Art, Music and Drama, we will provide children with the opportunity to express themselves creatively and find and develop new skills and talents, which we will help them to nurture.

We will encourage every child to take responsibility for their own behaviours, reflecting on how things may be different with an alternative choice of response. Children will learn about their rights, and how these fit in to a democratic society. We will encourage every child to celebrate their heritage and culture, whilst learning about those of other people with respect.